About Us
G2T3V is an early stage investment firm committed to financing and developing disruptive innovations.

We are value-added investors basically limiting our investments to areas where the team has personal experience, industry connections and specific expertise in the marketplace, business processes, customers, competition, technology and/or regulatory environments.

We will be hands-on, active participants (with Board or Advisor seats) in the management and operation of the portfolio companies and any incremental compensation which is earned or provided as a result of such services will be contributed to the fund as well.

We will focus on industries (insurance, automotive, media and marketing, data management and analytics, customer satisfaction management, technology and education) where we have spent many years working and where we know both the past, present and hopefully the future directions that these industries will take.

We believe there are great opportunities which the radical changes in these industries (created by disruptive innovators) will create for fast movers and early adopters with the experience to offset the most critical risks that these new enterprises pose which are (a) the execution risks that accompany rapid growth combined with (b) the need for quick decision making in an environment of constant change.
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